I thought if I just talked really fast, maybe I could ask my question while he drew a breath.

“SirIamlookingfordressshopthatwascalledHouseofFashion,”  I rattled off without pausing.

“Oh, sure.  I remember that one.  It closed about six months ago.  It was down the street behind us.  Sorry about that.  I thought you had sat down here because you were waiting on some young fella.  What’s a pretty thing like you doing out running around in a strange town alone?”

I wanted to leave.  I had found out what I wanted to know.  I neither like nor dislike old people, but this guy was starting to remind me of my grandfather.  I didn’t want to be disrespectful and just rush off, but how much longer before his wife showed up?

“I used to go into that shop with my grandmother.  She died five years ago.  I wasn’t able to go anywhere that reminded me of her for a long time.  We were very close.”

“Really?  I mean, that’s nice.  What was your grandmother’s name?”

“Helen Stark.  Did you know her? I guess I never thought about who my grandmother’s friends were.”