“Wow! You played with some of the greatest of all time.  What is your name?”

“Jim Hamby, but most people call me Sam.  Sam Hamby.”

“Pleased to meet you, Sam. And, thanks for entertaining Jimmy.”

“It was my pleasure.  Jimmy why don’t you add this hat to your collection.  I have a few more of them at home.”

As Jimmy and his dad walked off, Sam’s memory quickly slid 50 years into the past returning to game 2 of the 1927 season.  He could smell the hot dogs roasting, hear the gravelly voice of manager John McGraw shouting at his players, and feel the butterflies in his stomach.  It was game two of the 1927 season, and he was starting behind the plate and batting eighth.  With Ott, Hornsby, and dickey in the middle of the lineup, we would score some run for sure.

The opposition in the first base dugout was the Boston Braves.  Sam replayed his solid single in the siaxth inning, and cringed when he thought of his throwing error in the fourth.  The feel of baseball is something I will never forget.  Even though I only played three games in 1926 and through the end of May in 1927, the feel of baseball is something I will never forget.  I was in love with the game and it is a love I still have today.  It is the love of my life!