“It’s a trick.” Fred said.  “That’s what the State does – an innocent request to get me in so they can interrogate me.  You won’t see me again.  I’ll go directly to jail.”

Fred arrived at the bench in front of the Federal Building at 10:33.  His appointment time was 11:00.  He looked down at the pigeons pecking on the sidewalk and wondered what they found to eat.  He checked his watch: 10:37.  One came close to his toe.  He gave it a nudge and it moved a few steps away.  Lucky bird; it had nothing to fear.  10:41.

A man came and sat on the other end of the bench.  He wore a suit and carried a brief case.  His black hair and brown complexion suggested Hispanic origins.

“Fine day.” he said.

Fred looked at him, looked around as if he hadn’t noticed the weather, then said, “Yes, it is.”  He looked at his watch again: 10:45.

“You waiting for someone?” the man asked.

Fred shook his head.  “I have an appointment at 11:00.”

“ You’re early and my clients are late.” the man said.

“Are you a lawyer?”

“Social worker.  My people are having trouble over their green cards.  They can’t work until they get it cleared up.  We help them if we can.  My parents were from Bolivia so I can translate which usually clears up the problem.”