“Wish my problem was just translation,” Fred said.  He told the man about his encounter with the Social Security office, how he had sent in his application and was approved but needed to show that he had worked for a company for a year and that was over twenty years ago.

“They say they need some record so they can give me more money but I think they’re looking for reasons not to pay anything.”

“Are you from Germany,” the man asked.  “You sound like you have a slight accent.”

“My parents were.”

The man nodded then frowned and looked Fred over which made him nervous.  “I was born here.” He said.

“Well once they’ve reviewed all your past records and approved your application, they’re finished with that part of the process.

“You think so?” Fred asked

“Sure.  They’re bureaucrats.  Once on section approves your papers they send them on to the next.  They don’t check each other.  Best thing is to give them what they want and get as much money as you can.”

Fred looked at his watch, 10:54, then up at the building.