At that time we worked a tin mine close to home. When we left in the morning we told Snow White not to let anyone in and don’t eat anything from a stranger. We’d go merrily off to work thinking of the fresh baked bread and chunks of cheese in our lunch boxes and the casserole or stew waiting for us when we got home.

Everything went well for a while, until one day we came home and found Snow White passed out on the floor. She would have died soon if we hadn’t been able to bring her around. She told us a peddler came by. She didn’t let her in but talked to her in the yard. She told us, “The woman said she had a scarf that would go perfectly with my hair and complexion. She put it on me and that’s the last I remember,” she said.

We had no doubt that it was the Queen in disguise and the scarf contained a deadly potion. We burned it in the woods.

The next trick was a bouquet of wild flowers left on the door step with a note. The note to Snow White supposedly came from servants at the castle saying the Queen gave up trying to kill her and she was safe now. While she read the note she smelled the bouquet and immediately passed out. We came home from work and found her lying at the door step. A deer stood over her licking her face. It didn’t wake her but it seemed to prevent her from going into a deep sleep. We gave her a drink of reviving potion a good witch had given us In case we had an accident at the mine. When she was able to talk she told us about the note and bouquet which we burned in the forest.