“You said I was the one who didn’t love her,” I told them, “but each of you has something you didn’t like about her. To wake her will take someone who knows all her ways and still loves her. That’s true love.”

Not long after that Prince Karl who had courted Snow White came to the door.

‘Tm looking for Snow White,” he said. “At the castle they said she was dead so I stopped looking. Then I heard of a sleeping girl at in the home of the dwarves. If you have her, may I see her?”

We took him to the glass box and he broke into tears when he saw her.

“At the castle she was wearing the dress of a lowly servant,” he said. “The other servants told me she was strong willed; they said she could drive them crazy with her insistence on orderliness and cleanliness. Even I, when I came to see her, had to take off my muddy boots and Wash my hands when before I ate.”

We all nodded and agreed she could be a pest.

“But whatever her faults, I love her and I’m so sad to see her lying there.”

At that point Snow White stirred and her eyes opened. The Prince quickly opened the lid and lifted her out, kissing her as he did. All very mushy but we had tears in our eyes.