I did. Taking a deep breath, I began to make a list of what to do, headed with “Get Eleanor to the Royal Ball”. I knew that her beauty was so fresh and breath-taking, the Prince would be immediately enchanted.

It was close. My coachman hid our carriage in the woods at a short turnoff near the Keep. My footman watched through the shrubbery for Giselle and her girls to depart in their rented carriage. I rushed in to the house as the carriage wheels were still rolling in the yard.

As I called out for Eleanor, she came running down the stairs. In less time than it takes to tell this tail, we had her all cleaned up and groomed, The dress I had chosen fit like it had been custom made. Now for the crowning present.

“And what do you think of these slippers?” I asked as I opened the box. ” They will go well with the dress, don’t you agree?”

The girl was breathless with admiration. “Oh, my, Godmother! Are they glass?”

“I know not the material, Child. I only know that the glimmer reminded me of your eyes when you smile. The light dances on these shoes the same way the light dances in your eyes when you are truly amused. How do they fit?”