Where I was summarily dismissed by Giselle. “You must not fill her head with these unattainable fantasies, Georgia. She is little better than a street urchin now. I have tried, but alas, one must have something to work with. I cannot possibly let her go with you now. I would not have Bertram’s memory besmirched by others discovering that he and Margaret’s daughter is only slightly above the village idiot in intellect and comportment.“

I smelled a rat. A big fat one with an unquenchable appetite. I directed my coachman to take us to the nearest inn and took lodgings for the night. After settling in, I headed down to the taproom and requested a light repast. As the young serving girl scurried away, I hailed the barkeep to come over. Inviting him to sit with me, which he refused to

do, I began my enquiries and discovered that Eleanor’s lot was even worse than I feared. The barkeep was also the innkeeper and owner, as is so often the case in these houses, so I informed him that I would be staying for several days. I also requested that he instruct his staff, many of whom were his family members, that my presence was not to become common knowledge in the neighborhood. He agreed willingly. It seemed the situation for my Goddaughter was an unpleasant topic in the area, but while all agreed something should be done, no one had any idea of where to start.