“How do I find you today, Child?” I asked quietly.

“You find me in good health and spirits, Godmother,” Eleanor replied in an even tone. “And yourself?”

“Doing well also. I have come with a proposal for her father that you come spend some time with me, but we will have to wait until he arrives home to discuss it with him first.”

The child’s face was glowing as she smiled. “I would be very much in favor of that proposal, but will wait for my father’s permission, of course.”

Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing to indicate the truthfulness of Giselle’s complaints.

“Bertram is to arrive home this evening. You have chosen the best time to visit. Shall

Cinderella show you to your room so that you may refresh yourself from your travel?”

“That would be more than acceptable. I look forward to dining at your table this evening, Giselle. By the by, where are your two daughters? How are they doing?”

“They are currently with their Dance Master taking lessons. You will see them at dinner. I hope that Bertram arrives before the thunderstorm. We will see you at dinner.”