One of my best known Goddaughters is commonly called Cinderella, although her baptismal name was Eleanor Abigail and she was named in part for Eleanor of Aquitaine. Her mother Margaret had been reading about Eleanor and admired her force of will greatly. In the custom of the times, Margaret hoped that naming her child after this historical figure would provide the child with a role model and possibly personality traits to go along with it.

Because, you see, although Margaret didn’t share this with anyone except me, she knew shortly after she became pregnant with Eleanor that she wouldn’t live to see her raised and married. Margaret had had a foretelling. She had The Sight, but didn’t use it for profit or spite, fearing the brand of “Witch” and all the negative connotations that go along with that appellation. “I am trusting you to keep her safe and ensure she marries well, Georgia. You know that Bertram is easily swayed by a pretty face and figure. Promise me that you will watch out for Eleanor.” Of course I promised readily. What other choice did I have?